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Dear Ed let determination guide Labour to victory in 2015

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.


Labour wasn’t re-elected back into Govt in 2010. There had been a severe recession caused by the global financial crisis. The British people wanted a change. Yet they didn’t feel confident in the Conservative party. No party won. A coalition was formed. The political landscape changed.

The Labour party had to re build.

I  joined the Labour party in June 2010. My interest in politics came from campaigning on road safety. One of the MP’s in 2009 that had been interested in my campaign was Ed Miliband. In fact Ed stood out because he  had a genuine interest in what I was trying to do. That to me proved that he was different.

And in this age where people are cynical of politicians and politics – we need to believe that a leader can make a difference. That they are not in politics for themselves, the glory, the power but to make the changes that will bring improvements to the lives of people in Britain. I believe that Ed Miliband is the leader that can achieve this. Because being sincere, genuine and full of integrity is what Britain needs.

The British people need to have faith in politics and politicians restored. Democracy is precious.

Ed Miliband is the leader that can deliver faith back into a tired political system.

Recently the media, bloggers and perhaps even some within the party have been trying to undermine Ed. But he must not let this deter him from the determination to make the difference that he always wanted to effect. The determination to create a better society. A more equal society, a balanced economy that works for all, a world class public healthcare system, a fairer education system, tax system, a public transport that works for people, more affordable housing. That positive spirit. Labour are the party of the optimists. And Ed is the optimist – Ed let determination guide Labour to victory.






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